Foreign Purchasing Operations System
External Purchases Application (EPA) is concerned with external purchases.
EPA features:
- Monitor and controlling all external purchase activities & operations. EPA works on an integrated basis with other applications.
- Identify the procured items and the items of individual vendors or a group of vendors.
- State shipment countries, shipment methods and cost centres.
- Define the contractual terms of each purchase transaction.
- Display the agreements concluded with vendors and the agreed conditions (vendor number – purchase department number – shipment period – payment method – required items).
- Follow up each phase of shipment.
- Execute external purchase invoices, specify items and determine costs, through purchase orders.
- Invoice any expenses incurred or paid during the purchase transaction.
- Produce a stock receipt note for a shipment or purchase based on purchase invoice, and link the same to the warehouse where the relevant items are stored.
- Calculate purchase cost via invoices, shipment documents or credits.
- Generate comparative reports on vendor prices.
- Show reports on individual purchases or groups of purchases, stating: Shipments, Invoices and Items
- Create reports on purchases and purchase activities over a given period,
- Produce reports showing total expenses and costs of shipments.