Payroll Application addresses all the financial aspects of employees' salaries.
Payroll Application features:
- Identify basic personnel data (personal details – salary slip – travel & other allowances – leaves – job details).
- Work on an integrated basis with other applications.
- Define administrative units.
- Show job data (job details – job description – experience – skills – education & qualifications – evaluation criteria).
- State job types.
- Set positions (job positions – financial positions).
- Assign an annual budget for job positions.
- List insurance firms.
- List travel agencies.
- List healthcare institutions.
- Indicate marital status.
- Establish salary payment modes.
- Display all salary slip items.
- Devise payment cycles.
- Denote overtime.
- Highlight payroll operations and payroll items.
- Perform all tax-related operations (establishing tax assessments – showing tax exemptions – defining tax items – identifying tax assessment – displaying assessment order).
- Draw up salary criteria.
- Record all daily work times, using various entry modes (daily work time of an employee over a given period – daily work time in a given day for more than one employee – work time of one employee for one day).
- Upload work time details from external files.
- Control all payroll operations: operating employees' salaries, tax calculation, salary inquiry, cancelling salary operation & cancelling salary operation of a given employee.
- Manage payroll details: salary slip items over a given period, distribution of cost centres, overtime, salary increase and insurance data.
- Generate key reports like personnel data, work time, official holidays, tasks, staff salaries over a given period and insurance & taxes.