Taxes System
Taxes Application (TX) his founded on the basics that ought to be available in advanced taxes applications.
TX features:
- Observe professional rules.
- Support up-to-date database technologies.
- Have a user-friendly interface and enable to specify the competent tax authorities concerned with the company's transactions.
- Define all types of taxes pertinent to the relevant company and link such taxes to tax authorities and general ledger accounts.
- Operate in harmony with other applications such as Payables, Receivables, Sales and Purchases.
- Contain a multiple tax payment notification facility, allowing single payment of due tax notices on multiple invoices of the same customer.
- Recognize the types of payable taxes, by charging the same as per the taxes previously imposed on invoices.
- Generate simultaneous sales tax activity reports on more than one tax over a given period of time and specify the relevant type of taxes (sales & purchases – sales only – purchases only).
- Produce a tax report on an individual item and sate all the taxes identified for such item.
- Create a report showing aggregate invoices over a given period.
- Display reports identifying and grouping unpaid taxes, enabling users to recognize paid/unpaid taxes.